Brodie Smith 21 coming to London

Just received this news about Brodie coming to London and we’re interested in hearing your thoughts on it:

Whats up guys! I’m in London for a couple days shooting darkhorse project and thought it would be a perfect time to run a Ultimate Frisbee Clinic!

The cost is 15£ per person with over 30% going back to the U23 World’s team. So come out and help support your local team and learn a thing or two.

The first hour will be learning the proper fundamentals on how to throw a backhand, forehand, and hammer.
The second hour will be mostly drills working on handler cuts/movement, downfield cutting/hucking, and some scrimmaging.

All skill levels are welcome! I am really looking forward to seeing you all there!!!


When: Saturday, 08:00 – 10:00
Where: Clapham Common, Clapham, SW4 9DE London, United Kingdom

Is Brodie going to be a better coach of this clinic than other throwers like Colonel could be? Should he be donating more than 30% to the U23 team? Does he deserve props for setting it up simply because he’s in town, when nobody that’s lived in this country has ever bothered? Why is it held at the ungodly hour of eight in the morning? And why does he put the sterling sign before the digits?
We want your opinion on all these questions and more…

GB U23 & Beach teams

The first trials for the GB U23 and Beach teams have been completed, and players are finding out whether they’ve made the first cut or not. Let’s collate the information here!

GB U23 Open training squad:

Alex Brooks
Andy Mitchell
Ashley Yeo
Ben Powlay
Callum Smith
Calum Easton
Dom Dathan
Douglas Olley
Edward Bietzk
Edward Foster
Hamish rankine
Harry Glasspool
Harry Slinger-Thompson
Jake Aspin
James Mead
James Wolverson
Jocelyn Trottet
Joe Moriarty
Joe Wynder
Joseph Thompson
Josh Kyme
Liam Reddy
Mark Simpson
Michael Speer
Nathan Trickey
Pete Gore
Philip Garner
Robbie Haines
Ryan Tarascas
Sam Bowen
Sam Jones
Sam Poulson
Sam Vile
Thomas Cartwright
Tom Martin-Hall
Will Caldwell

GB U23 Women’s:

Alex Semproni
Anna Trebble (Trebs)
Annie Plasom-Scott
Caitlin Wilson
Carissa Tong
Carla Link
Charlie Blair
Grace Owen
Hannah Newton
Hannah Randles
Hannah Robertson (Robbo)
Hannah Webb (Webby)
Hayley Nicklin
Jennifer Link (Jen)
Jessica Bonham
Kim Owen
Pamela Knudsen
Rachel Dean
Rachel McCulloch
Ronja Woestheinrich
Sarah Ruby Rennison-Ruby
Vicki Harman (Vixen/Sharkey)

GB U23 Mixed team (updated 6th Jan):

Helen Wanstall
Jody Martin
Kat Haswell
Kelly Martin
Renny Norman
Kim Isaacs
Tanya Zinovjeva
Emma Edge
Hannah Brew
Sarah Harrison
Ava Grossman
Sophie Wharton
Rebecca Devine
Jessica Wong

Alex Walsh
Ben Smith-Richards
Ben Bruin
Cameron Burgess
Howard Storey
John Maddox
Jonathon Saunders
John Ferry
Lawrence Hill
Rob Coddington
Eddy Van Der Kloot
James Bauld
Declan Iles
Duncan McGill
Peter Garnett
Luke Chambers

GB Beach Open 2nd trial invite:
Richard Roberts
John “Shimmy” Maule
Kai Yokoo Laurence
Fergus Weldon
Harry Geller
Stu Greer
[know any names? get in touch!]

Please add the names you know in the comments so we can update this list!