Push Pass accept Bitcoin with Free Sudden Death game offer!

You can now purchase games from Push Pass using Bitcoin (BTC) as currency!

Special offer! For a limited time only, we will be giving out Bitcoins with the understanding that you use some of your Bitcoin to purchase one of the exciting Sudden Death Games from EUCF 2014 listed below – a gentlemen’s agreement between you and us, based on trust and mutual respect. No previous ownership or understanding of Bitcoin is necessary, and you’ll end up with not only an exciting game to watch, but also a small amount of Bitcoin left over which is yours to keep!

Bitcoin is a digital currency, utilising an online peer-to-peer payment system – users can transact directly without needing an intermediary. This means the system is not controlled by any banks, treasuries, persons, companies or governments, and transaction fees are typically zero or fractional, instead of the 3% PayPal charge. Transactions are secure, peer-verified, and anonymous, and Bitcoins are worth real money. Read more here.

5 steps to getting your free Sudden Death EUCF 2014 game!

Basically it goes: 1) Express your interest, 2) collect your Bitcoins, 3) find the game you want, 4) purchase it with your Bitcoins, 5) enjoy!

1) Reply to this post on the /r/ultimate subreddit (saying as much or as little as you want), and wait for user felix37 to respond.

2) Follow the link to ChangeTip to collect your Bitcoin → .
Navigate to and change your → Locale → Preferred currency to Bitcoin, as this will simplify the process later.

3) Click on one of the games below, register a Push Pass account if you don’t have one, select ‘Bitcoin’ as your payment method at checkout, enter your email address and get the payment information.


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4) You’ll be taken to a BitPay invoice page, where you’ll see the Push Pass wallet address, and amount due in BTC.

On the ChangeTip “” page, click and copy+paste the details from your invoice – annoyingly, you will have to remove the decimal point, as ChangeTip works in Bits (millionths of 1 BTC). If transferring £ or $ you will need to add a few pence/cents to account for conversion discrepancies between the systems – see point (2) about changing your ‘preferred currency’ settings.

5) Switch back to the BitPay invoice window, and it should look like this:

You’ll have to wait up to an hour (43 minutes in our test) to receive a Payment Confirmation email from Push Pass, which will contain a link to watch the game!

This offer is running for a limited time only (longer if everyone keeps with the spirit of it!), so let your keen frisbee friends know about it – we hope you enjoy your free game, and your first foray into the world of Bitcoin!

GB Open – an extension of Clapham Ultimate?

UK Ultimate have announced the trial dates for GB Open, and released information about how closely tied to Clapham Ultimate the team will be.

There has been debate recently about whether the UK could improve its international performance by adopting a similar system to the USA. In the USA, the National Champions are chosen to represent the USA at the next international competition – whereas traditionally in the UK, the UKU appoint managers for GB Open, who then hold trials and select the best players from around the country, training one or two weekends per month in the run-up to the next nations tournament.

The benefits of both systems, and whether the UK should follow the USA, has debated recently in a series of well-timed articles on “Club or Country“, over at The ShowGame.

Back in October, the UKU announced Justin Foord and Marc Guilbert (both Clapham captains) would be running GB Open, and stated: “We cannot emphasise enough that we require the managers to run truly Great Britain teams that are absolutely not just an extension of club teams.” In their latest release of information, it’s clear the tie between Clapham and GB is very tight;

“GB Open practices will be in London, alongside Clapham Ultimate”
“GB Open tactics, structures and plays will be identical to those of CU”
“Frequency of training will depend on the time of the season but are likely to peak at 2-3 team trainings per week in the lead up to WUGC 2016”

Although the UKU go to efforts to assure us “this is not a club based national team“, there are undeniably stronger links than ever before between Clapham and GB Open – how likely is it that a player from Manchester, Devon, Bristol, Scotland, or Leeds will be able to attend regular weeknight trainings in central London? Have the UKU gone back on what they have said previously, or are they just allowing what is necessary for GB Open to reach the next level? What are the wider implications for the UK Ultimate community as a whole?

Have your say below!

Show full UKU announcement text

Original UKU PDF.

Update: UKU have posted a new statement in response to discussion on this topic